Individuality, as an emanation of a human being that is free in its original position, derives directly and clearly from the heritage of the French Revolution. This set of values is directly bound to an individual. One could easily claim that the European integration process stands up for its production of values, where rule of law is in the forefront. Around this cornerstone, democracy, independent courts, human rights, market economy, free and fair elections, and freedom of media, to name the most outstanding ones, form a huge cluster of articulating, expressing and above all implementing of what is just. It is the basic principle of the European Union, but also of the whole web of international governmental and nongovernmental organizations, movements and groups, including the United Nations Organization and its system of specialized and other institutions. The rule of law (access to law by everybody, free and fair trial, and equality under the law for everybody) is a cornerstone of any contemporary democratic society, meaning it is an internationally accepted doctrine. There should not be any place for tyranny or arbitrary behavior, but only for righteousness. It means that only law and nothing else should govern people. Referring to this, the principle of the rule of law is a value and a value system by itself, stemming from justice.

Therefore, law must be just and fair, doing and enabling to do right. Commonly, the popular notion of justice and fairness overlaps with the formal expression, with the codified legal systems. Justice could be defined as a result of a process, through which formal authorities try to find out or to judge fairly what is right and what is wrong and to punish those who do not stick to defined rules or disrespect and disobey them. Closely related to this is the issue of honour and duty as well: Doc Holliday, a controversial figure of the Western frontier, “ saw what he did on the street fight and afterwards as a duty”, since “ honor mattered to him at a level few realized” he believed “that he was doing something right and good”.
Generally speaking, this originates from the eternal question of good and bad, and how to provide the former and to prevent the latter. People do want justice to rule their lives they want everybody to be just and fair, doing nothing on the account of the others. One could find numerous, more or less exact principles and anchors to understand as well as to comprehend justice. Magna Carta Libertatum from the year 1215, as the legal and political foundation, as well as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights from 1948, as a political and policy derivate, confirmed it. The French Revolution of 1789 defined it with a timeless slogan Equality, Brotherhood, Liberty (and with the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen). The Ancient Roman law puts this more precisely and it is still relevant nowadays, both among lawyers and among the societies: let there be justice so that the world will not collapse (as a part of Habeas Corpus).

There is a telling, primary and basic articulation in the Bible of what we understand today as a rule of law: “ treat others as you want to be treated”. Justice, Rule of Law and European Integration Process

Booming Western Frontier and the Need for Rule of Law.Justice, Rule of Law and European Integration Process.African Digital Diplomacy and Governance.